Chilean Flag Chilean Passport


Home > South America > Chile

Plate History
    1910's - 1940's
    1950's - 1960's
    1970's - 1984
    1985 Series
    1995 Series
Easter Island & Robinson Crusoe Island
Country Information


Chilean License Plates
(A) Original Series with emblem and dot dividers
(B) 1985 Series. Since 2007, dot and emblem dividers
(C) Holograph only on license plates for private cars. SRCeI = Civil Registry and Identification Service (Servicio de Registro Civil e Identificación) is the state entity authorized to issue license plates and create new vehicle registrations.

Plate History

1918 - 1949
(B) Colors unknown

1950 - 1969

1970 - 1984


1910's - 1940's

Chilean License Plates

1950's - 1960's

Chilean License Plates

1970's - 1984

Chilean License Plates

1985 Series

Chilean License Plates
(A) CBCT = Cuerpo Bomberos Calera de Tango
(B) CBS = Cuerpo Bomberos Santiago
(C) Arrayán is a suburb of Santiago

1995 Series

Chilean License Plates

Flag of Rapa Nui Easter Island & Robinson Crusoe Island

Easter Island (Rapa Nui, Isla de Pascua) and Robinson Crusoe Island (Isla de Juan Fernandez) had plates with the province name until 1984.
After 1984, they received standard plates without the provincial name.

Country Information

Map of Chile Easter Island Map

Location South America
Capital Santiago
Main Religion Christianity (catholicism)
National Language Spanish
History Independence from Spain in 1818
International Oval RCH


(1) Ignacio Torres
(2) Jim Fox/Greg Gibson
(3) José Francisco Valenzuela
(4) Ed Yañez

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